Topic Form 1
Form 2
Term 1 & 2
  • Use content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview.
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Articulate and live their Biblical worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems 10. Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness 12. Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
Observation Skills      
  • Learning the ELEMENTS of Art
  • Practical Application of the Elements of Art
  • Drawing from Life e.g. Portraits
  • Palaeolithic Art: Mark Making and the Function Art in Society.
  • Direct Observation: Evaluating and Drawing Mark Making: Applying Tools and Media to a Surface
  • Art Vocabulary and Expression: Documenting and Articulating Ideas and thoughts

Appreciation of creation Isaiah 45:12: It is I who made the earth,
Philippians 4 Think on these things.

Appreciation of visual LANGUAGE and COMMUNICATION Communication with meaningful content James 3:1-12 control the tongue

Art History
  • Using the Elements of Art
  • Perspective: Representing 3D objects on a 2D surface
  • Skills based exercises
  • Egyptian Art -Representational Art & Design
  • Skills based exercises
check check

Man created in the Image of God Genesis 1:27:

Creator, Creation, created, creating Revelation 4:11: Worthy are You, our Lord and our God,…

Term 3
Painting with Colour
  • Painting- Applying to a surface
  • Drawing skills
  • Exploring Colour Theory- Colour Wheel
  • Visual Articulating- Drawing and Painting
  • Principles of Design: The foundations of Producing Art
check check Application of LANGUAGE and COMMUNICATION tools Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue,. Building skills James 1:2-4 perseverance
  Form 3 Form 4  
  • Use content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Articulate and live their Biblical worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
Term 1
Exploring Techniques and Medium
  • Studies: Exploring the use of the Elements of Art
  • Representational Art: Mannerism, Contemporary,
  • Research and Analyses: Artist and their art works
  • Technical skill development

Integrity in research and thought and trust Philippians 1:6

Seeker of Truth

Sensitivity to needs of others

Term 2
Art History
  • History of World Art: Present a well-researched History Project
  • Creative Processes: Evaluating and Painting from Life e.g. Landscape
  • Colour Psychology: Cultural and Social Dynamics of different colours
  • Conceptual Development of a Theme: using ‘Pastiche’ for learning different Painting Techniques
  • Artist research and study
  • Theme development
  • Exploration of the above using Knowledge and understanding and critical thinking

Working through the difficulties Luke 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God."

Overcomer -Revelations: 2:26;3:21;21:7 1John 5:4-5

Term 3:
Colour Theories
  • Creative Processes: Evaluating and Painting from Life e.g. Landscape
  • Conceptual Development of a Theme: using ‘Pastiche’ for learning different Painting Techniques
  • Colour Psychology: Cultural and Social Dynamics of different colour

Trust Psalm 107:9 "For he satisfies the longing soul

Progress through clear Focus Proverbs 4:25-26

  AS Level A Level  
  • Use content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Articulate and live their Biblical worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
Term 1:
Recording Ideas, Exploring through Experimentation,
  • Technical workshops
  • Theme selection Artist study
  • Skills development
  • Study Art Practitioner Studio Visit to a local Artist
  • Analytical skill development
  check Appreciation of variety Acts:9-16
Term 2:
Art History
  • Painting focus
  • Continued Artist Analysis
  • Contextual Art: Cultural and Social
  • Dynamics that Influence local artists
  • Analytical Understanding
  • Development of own ideas and techniques
  • Stylistic awareness and development and commentary

2 Chronicles 15:7“Perseverance]

Goals: Proverbs 16:3 Commitment

Term 3:
Colour Moods Presentation
  • Biblical World view on art and design
  • Cohesive layout of Process and Production of Personal Artwork
  • Unifying Artist analysis, skill development and theme in a cohesive Final Outcome

Psalm 94:18-19 18 trust in the Lord

Romans 12:1–8 renewing of the mind and transformed lives

Gateway High School

Our purpose, as a Bible – based Christian Educational Community, is to glorify God through serving our nation and impacting the world.

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Harare, Zimbabwe
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