First Term
  • Students will become problem solver equipped to think creatively and confidently interrogate issues.
  • Explain the purpose and benefits of different number bases.
  • Explain the use of character sets in computer systems.
  • Decompose a problem into its sub-problems and solve the problem
  • Describe the role and function of a router in a network.
Information representation check check Wisdom versus Folly – in making the right choices (Theme of Choice)
Hardware check check Creation, God Shapes Us for His Glory Passages: 1 Samuel 16:7; Romans 9:20-21; Isaiah 64:8
Communication check check Obedience (Rules to be followed) Relationships
Algorithm Design and Problem Solving check check Wisdom versus Folly
Programming   check Theme of Creation (God created the world with all its beauty as an example for us – programs created should show the same order that God used in creation (program structures identified and maintained)
  • Students should be honest, and will be consistently encouraged to be productive.
  • Students to develop how data is processed into information, and the instructions used to run software
  • Describe the role and function of databases, and produce running databases.
  • Describe the role of data, and how it should be protected.
Processor Fundamentals check check Productivity, Providence
System Software check check Creation, Providence and Laws of Nature
Data Types and Structures check check Creation
Databases check check Stewardship, Providence, Integrity
Security, Privacy and Data Integrity check   Security, Privacy and Data Integrity
  • Students should be able to appreciate the need for governing rules over the sharing and distribution of data.
  • Describe how data or software is produced, and modified in its production. Each production being recognised as an iteration to the initial software developed.
  • Students to learn to be truthful and honest and champion for what is right.
Ethics and Ownership check   Humility, Laws of Nature
Software Development check   Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature
  • Students to develop the need and solutions which are associated with data, and how data should be interpreted.
  • Describe the role and function hardware in developing technology that supports Virtual Reality
Data Representation   check Creation, discovering patterns
Communication and Internet Technologies   check Providence, Laws of Nature
Hardware and Virtual Machine   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature
System Software   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature, Integrity
  • Problem solvers equipped to think creatively.
  • Students to develop the need and solutions which are associated with data, and how data should be interpreted.
  • Students to develop critical thinking and problemsolving skills.
  • Problem solvers equipped to think creatively and critically and can confidently interrogate issues.

  • Students can go deeper than understanding and knowledge to seek the insight of God.

  • Articulate and live their biblical worldview while possessing a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.

Security   check Stewardship, Providence
Artificial Intelligence   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature
Computational Thinking and problem solving   check Computational Thinking and problem solving
Further Programming   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature
TERM 6 Students are allowed to use the entire term from the start in revision on concepts to ensure they maximise on their potential in the Subject
Revision   check Trusting God for the Outcome Passages: Matthew 25:24-25; Psalms 32:8-10; Proverbs 3:5-6

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